
Department Teacher

Name: Tom Derrick Kaweesi

Notes: this syllabus is designed to meet the needs of those carrying on to “A” level Physics and those leaving school after senior 4 or (UCE). The Syllabus emphasis the understanding of fundamental principles and an experimental approach based on individual experimental approach based on individual experimental work.

Some experiments, however, might be best done by demonstration. But even in such instances, students should be involved in the design, performance, recording, etc. Some of the examination questions will demand knowledge and understanding of practical situations. Candidates will be at a disadvantage if a practical approach has not been used. SI Units should be used through out the teaching of this syllabus. Where other units must be used, the related SI Units must also be taught.

1. The general aims of teaching Physics are:

  1. The making of a society that knows about Physics and enjoys the fruits of physics.
  2. The making of a society that understands everyday phenomena: natural and artificial and their scientific explanations
  3. The production of a large number of people capable of harnessing natural resources scientifically and
  4. technically in an innovative way for the service of society.
  5. The production of an effective team of physicists working in Physics for the advancement of knowledge.

2. The teacher is expected to present the course in a sequence that emphasis the experimental, the experimental-investigative and the fundamentally coherent aspects of the subject to reflect the following objectives:

  1. To help the student understand the world around us.
  2. To make the student aware of the effects of scientific discoveries and knowledge on every day life through some applications of physics.
  3. To enable the student to develop an experimental attitude of mind by performing experiments in the school.
  4. To familiarize the student with scientific methods including techniques of observation, measurement and drawing appropriate conclusions.
  5. To prepare the student for further studies in physics or for training in which an elementary understanding of physics is required.